Let The Count Down Begin

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Friday, October 31, 2008


Trick or Treat! Halloween was such a busy day! Ryley had a Halloween party at school. They had a parade, along with games, and they even got to go trick or treating at their school. It was a lot of fun to see all the kids in their costumes.

We took the girls out trick or treating around our neighborhood. Ryley was so excited to get sooo much candy. People just don't give out one, they give you a handful! When we were done around our neighborhood we headed home to hand out candy ourselves. Ryley couldn't wait to hand out candy herself. She had so much fun.

As if we didn't have enough candy...Mom and Ryley went to meet up with her cousins who were about a mile away and waiting for Ryley. Dad stayed home to hand out candy and Kai went to bed:)
Dad was bombarded by the trick or treaters even when he was putting Kai down, the doorbell wouldn't stop ringing.

Ryley at her school Halloween party.

Two Pocahontas!!!

Ryley and Bradley getting Ghost tattoos...

Kai was happy as a clam!
We had to keep telling Ryley to just ring the doorbell and wait. She would ring the doorbell and immediately knock, knock, knock.

This was Kai's first trick or treat house!

Ryley and her cousins!

Our last stop! We had a fun time going through haunted houses and getting some fresh popcorn! Some people really go all out for HaLlOwEeN. Three homes had haunted houses and two of them were serving fresh popcorn.

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