Let The Count Down Begin

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Hey Jen! My purse is kind of boring! Don't ask me what I have in my diaper bag :) The only reason I even have anything in my purse is because I had it with me on vacation. Otherwise, I use my cell phone holder as my wallet (I'm such a SHAME!) and I throw it inside the diaper bag. My i-pod, money, a love note that my husband placed in my purse when I left for vacation, (it smells like he sprayed it with his cologne LOL) my wallet...aka cell phone holder.
What's in my wallet...Debit card, DL, credit card, AAA card, and of course my COSTCO card!

I TAG PATTY...show us what's in your diaper bag...aka purse ;)
I TAG COURTNI...show us what's in your diaper bag...aka purse :)


courtni said...

hahaha!! here we go! last time I dug through Patty's purse was her baby shower for MERRICK! haha

Sean,Patty, Merrick, Memphis and Leia Donovan said...

Hi hun,
Oh my word do you really want to see what's in my purse??? Yikes. Okay here we go.

jenibug said...

Wow! I feel like a packrat after seeing the few items in your purse! Everybody needs a diaper bag to keep their purse neat!

River Nomads said...

Ooh my. . .! What a GREAT idea! Your wallet is smaller than mine! I love it. Also, Kailee is SO adorable. I love the pic with her tongue sticking out while trying to pick cherries. Cute family!!

Thanks for the buzz :)