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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

1st Day

Today was Ryley's first day of Pre-K!! We can't believe she will be starting Kindergarten next year. WoW! She had a lot of fun. She had a chance to paint, play dress-up, write her first and last name and much more. When we were leaving, Ryley shouted out bye bye and "thanks for letting me come" to her teacher Miss Teresa.

Ryley's masterpiece! She had green paint in her hair, red paint on her cheek, arm, and shoulder. She loves to paint! It's so messy, so I'm glad she gets to do it at school! I've got enough messes to clean at home. Our last home craft, she painted everything but the walls! I really have to be in the "mood" to get the paints and play-doh out! Don't get me wrong...I do it...especially if it means she's going to entertain herself!


It's time to go!


Danielle Hatch said...

Ah Es what a well behaved little gal you have saying thank you to her teacher, so cute :)I can't believe ryley's almost in kindergarten, these little guys grow up so fast!
we miss you guys :)

Unknown said...

Es the super blogger. I haven't been on here in a month and you have 100 blogs. Pretty scary with Kai. Sorry I wasn't around or you know I would have broken the window for you myself.:) Lots of cute pictures of our little trio together. Thanks again for having us. We had a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

Do you like her school so far?? Sounds like she's doing lots of really cool things and that she really love it! It's crazy how fast your babies grow up...